Shortly prior to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) hired Josh Skehan Productions, a 5-star rated #Scottsdale #video #production #company, to film training sessions at a #conference center in Scottsdale, #Arizona, and #produce a series of #training #videos from the #footage captured. Unfortunately, due to the small-business-crushing policies enacted to “flatten the curve”, the #event industry was decimated and it was impossible for the training #sessions to take place in public within a certain and reasonable amount of time. Rather than completely canceling the project, the USDA kindly asked us for a solution. That solution ended up being nothing less than #amazing and a stunning transformation to our #service offerings.

The solution we proposed included #recording the sessions over #zoom and polishing them up with #branding to make them look #customized and #professional. The USDA was pleased with this #solution and opted to move forward. However, during this process, the question of #distribution came up. How would the USDA get these videos to the viewers in a #reliable and #secure manner? These weren’t just any videos that you could put on a website or YouTube, they had #proprietary information and only #priviledged people were allowed to view them. Not to mention, DVD’s and thumbdrives are expensive, outdated, and unsecure. Thankfully, after some very in-depth research, we were able to propose a viable distribution method which solved all of their concerns.

We offered to fully #customize and #brand an open-source video #hosting and delivery solution, which functions much like a #DVD, but can be delivered online (or offline) with a number of security features, including #encryption and #password #authentication. As a sjde note, the platform can be viewed on nearly any #device and for more #commercial (for profit) productions, the platform is also capable of being #monetized as well as distributed to #AmazonVideo and other #streaming platforms.)

Producing large video projects with #governmental #organizations is never easy and can take time, but we remained patient with our customers, ensuring that every concern they had was addressed and every wish they had for the platform was fulfilled, including providing them with an intense 4-hour training to make sure that all administrators were proficient in the functionality of the platform. And, after 2.5 years, we are beyond #thrilled to announce that the project is #complete and a wild #success. Moreover, we are excited to share some of the comments our customers at the USDA had to share. One of our contacts mentioned the #accuracy with which we made our edits. Another contact mentioned "Thanks Josh! It was a great training session. Looking forward to the next steps in getting this content published and available – it’s a great resource and nicely put together (with all your editing efforts)." And lastly, one contact simply said "It looks amazing Josh, incredble job." This is a testament to the reason why organizations like the USDA would trust a small company like Josh Skehan Productions with such valuable projects.

We have virtually (no pun intended) #reinvented the way #departments within the USDA #produce and #deliver training #content, and we can do it for your organization too! We’ll not only produce your video professionally, we’ll provide #value as a #partner who has your best interest in mind, always #adapting, and always staying ahead of the latest #technology to provide you with the #best solutions for your situation.

Contact us or visit our website to learn more about our training videos, remote productions, and our secure online delivery and streaming solutions. We look forward to working with you!
Josh Skehan Productions
14747 N. Northsight Blvd.
Suite 111-210
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260